April 14, 2021, Board of Education Special Meeting Minutes
USD #225 Board of Education Special Meeting
April 14, 2021, 12:00 P.M.
Meeting held via Zoom
Call to order: T.J. Milford, Board President, called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.
Members present: Ed Rarden, Jared Weber, Tom Huelskamp, Cathy Heinz, and T.J. Milford were present. Others present were Cherie Nicholson, Superintendent, Corri McDowell, Principal, and Erica Littlewood, Board Clerk. Kimberly Copenhaver and Fred Boyd were not present.
Recognition of Visitors/Communication: None.
Mask Mandate – Rarden moved, seconded by Huelskamp to adopt the following revised mask mandate:
Effective 04/15/21 masks will be optional for staff and students for the remainder of the school year in the building and on district transportation for all students and staff with some parameters.
- Students and staff will follow rules and regulations relative to places they are visiting.
- If at any time a positive COVID case occurs within our school population (staff and students), the district will return to the original mandatory mask policy.
- This change in the mask mandate is only effective for USD 225 and does not supersede other districts' mask policies, league rules, or KSHSAA requirements.
Mask Restrictions – A motion was made to set restrictions on the newly revised mask mandate allowing faculty to require masks in their classrooms. Heinz made the motion, no second. Motion failed.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Milford, seconded by Heinz to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Time: 12:20 p.m.
For The Board of Education
_____________________________________, Board Clerk
_____________________________________, Board President