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Fowler Schools USD 225



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July 11, 2016 Board of Education meeting minutes

July 11,2016

Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Fowler U.S.D. #225


Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Courtney Wilson at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Steve Lundeen led a prayer.  


Board members present: Mark Bergkamp, Steve Lundeen, Tim Milford, Barbara Whitney and Courtney Wilson, Erica Littlewood-Rarden were present. Richie Dewell was absent. Others present were Jeff Bollinger Superintendent, Corri McDowell K-12 Principal and Julie Jones Deputy Clerk.


Recognition of Visitors/Communication: Tammy Bollinger


Election of Officers: Tabled at this time.


Consent Agenda:

A.  Designate Clerk

B.  Designate Treasurer (Lory Finke)

C.  Designate Deputy Clerk (Julie Jones)

D.  Approval of minutes of Regular Board Meeting on June 13, 2016

E.  Approve accounts payable as presented

F.  Adopt Fowler State Bank as the official depository for school district funds K.S.A. 9-1401

G.  Designate the Meade County News as the official newspaper K.S.A.64-101et.seq

H.  Adopt 1,116 hour school year and adopt the school calendar K.S.A. 72-1106

I.   Designate truancy officers for school year:   Corri McDowell  for Jr. /Sr. High School and Grade School K.S.A. 72-1113

J.  Approve 2015-16 Food Service Agreement

K. Appoint Jeff Bollinger as food service hearing official

L. Appoint Jeff Bollinger as food service authorized representatives; food service authorized signers and claim contacts

M. Appoint Corri McDowell  as determining official for free and reduced meal applications

N. Establish the following school lunch program prices:  

LUNCH:  Grades PK-5:  $2.30; Grades 6-12:  $2.75; Adult employees:  $3.60; Visitor:  $3.95; Visitor Sack Lunch:  $5.40; Extra milk: $.40; Reduced meal: $.40;

BREAKFAST:  Grades PK-12:  $1.70; Adult:  $2.05; Reduced breakfast: $.30;

SNACKS:  $.90; reduced snacks:  $.15

O. Establish textbook rental as follows:   Pre-K:  $35.00; Grades K-6:  $45.00; Grades 7-12:  $55.00.  K.S.A. 72-4141

    P. Appoint ___________ as district KPERS representative

    Q. Appoint KASB Legal Assistants as school attorney

    R. Establish mileage rate same as State established rate for reimbursement (Currently: $.575)        K.S.A. 75-3203

    S. Adopt early payment request policy (Permission to pay bills that have a penalty or     deductions for early payment KSA 12-105(e)

    T.  Establish petty cash limits:  high school:  $500.00, district office/grade school:  $500.00. K.S.A. 72-8208

    U.  Designate ______________ as Jr/Sr High Activity Fund supervisor K.S.A. 72-8208a

    V.  Designate _______________as Grade School Activity Fund supervisor K.S.A. 72-8208a

    W. Appoint Laurie Devine as compliance coordinator for Title VI, Title VII, Title IX

    X.  Appoint Jeff Bollinger  as Section 504 (ADA) Coordinator

    Y.  Approve annual public notification of non-discrimination

    Z.  Approve annual notice to provide a free appropriate public education

     a. Approve Annual notice of Section 504 (ADA) procedural safeguards

     b. Resolution to adopt the annual waiver of requirements for generally accepted accounting principles.  K.S.A. 75-1120a

 c. Resolution to establish meeting dates, time and location. K.S.A. 72-8205

     d. Approve High School Activity Fund resolution requesting exemption from K.S.A. 12-    105(b) (Uniform procedure for payment of claims, presentment of claims, payments in advance of approval)

     e. Approve Grade School Activity Fund resolution requesting exemption from K.S.A. 12-    105(b)

     f. Approve Jeff Bollinger  as the Freedom of Information Officer

g. Resolution to establish Home Rule by Board of Education

h. Resolution authorizing destruction of old records K.S.A. 72-5369

i. Approve Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan document

j. Approve contract with Meade County Health Department for school health services

k. Authorize the clerk to make end of year budget expenditures and transfers.

l. Approve participation in the following:

        Title 1 (Improving Basic Programs)

        Title II-A (Preparing, Training, Recruiting High Quality Teachers/Principals)



        4-year old at risk

     m.Remove Brenda Wenta and Tom Dolenz from all financial authorizations and signatures.

     n.Approve Jeff Bollinger and Corri McDowell on all financial authorizations and signatures.


Items removed from consent agenda and added to new business:  (if any)



Lundeen moved, seconded by Littlewood to approve the consent agenda with the following corrections:

A: No Clerk Designated at this time, O: added to new business, P: No KPERS representative appointed at this time. Items U and V removed.   Motion carried 6-0.


Old Business: Tuition for Pre-K

Littlewood moved , seconded by Bergkamp to abolish in district tuition,  and set out of district tuition at $100 per month. Motion carried 6-0


New Business:


Handbooks/Administrative Vision: Milford moved, Lundeen seconded to approve the handbooks and administrative vision. Motion carried 6-0


O from consent agenda/Textbook Rental: Whitney moved, Milford seconded to abolish the textbook rental fee and in its place will be the option for insurance on chrome books/Ipad devices. Motion carried 6-0.


Purchase of Chrome Books/IPads: Lundeen moved, Whitney seconded to approve the purchase of chrome books/IPads. Motion carried 6-0


Vending Machines: Consensus of the board that vending machines will not be available for student use.


Executive Session:  Littlewood moved, Bergkamp seconded to enter into executive session to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel in order to protect the privacy interest of the individual(s) to be discussed and that the board return to open session in the board room at 8:32 pm. Motion carried 6-0. Board Members, Mr. Bollinger, Mrs. McDowell present. Time:8:02pm

A motion was made and seconded to extend the above executive session by 10 minutes to 8:42pm. Motion carried 6-0. Time 8:42pm

A motion was made and seconded to extend the above executive session by 5 minutes to 8:47pm. Motion carried 6-0. Time 8:42pm

A motion was made and seconded to extend the above executive session by 3 minutes to 8:50pm. Motion carried 6-0


Personnel:  A motion was made by Whitney, seconded by Bergkamp to approve personnel recommendations. Motion carried 6-0.