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Fowler Schools USD 225



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December 10, 2012 BOE Minutes



December 10, 2012   7:00 p.m.


Call to order: Leighton Miller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance and a prayer.

Members present:   Leighton Miller, Jan Granados (arrived at 7:30 p.m.), Dan Harris, Steve Lundeen (arrived at 7:05), Tim Milford, Duke Marrs, and Marjean Strong.  Others present were Dr. Bobbi Williams, Superintendent/Principal, Mrs. Pam Leiker, Jr./Sr. High School Principal, Dennis McDowell, Transportation Director, and Michelle Clowdis, deputy clerk.

Recognition of Visitors/Communication:  

Matt Bell and Erica Foster, teacher representatives, were present. Dr. Williams stated that Diamond roofing wanted to thank the board for giving them the opportunity to work on the roof.  Steve Lundeen and Jan Granados also receives certificates for participating in the Leadership Academy.

Approve Agenda: A motion was made by Dan Harris, seconded by Duke Marrs to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on November 12, 2012. Motion carried 5-0.

Approve Minutes: A motion by Tim Milford, seconded by Marjean Strong to approve the regular meeting minutes of October 8, 2012 and the Special Board Meeting on October 24, 2012.  Motion carried 6-0.

(Steve Lundeen arrived 7:05)

Accounts Payable:  Marjean Strong moved, seconded by Tim Milford to approve the accounts payable as presented.  Motion carried 6-0.


A+ Network, Steve Lundeen, The A+ Network discussed bids on internet and fiber.

Special Education, Marjean Strong, Discussed affordable health care

Economic Development, Jan Granados

(Jan Granados arrived 7:30)

Transportation Director, Mr. McDowell, Discussed licensing of radios

Principal/Activities Director, Pam Leiker, see attached

Superintendent, Bobbi Williams, see attached

District Goals-Marjean Strong, The district improvement team discussed getting students prepared for college and getting information home to parents. 

Board Matters:

HS Volleyball Coop

Duke Marrs moved to deny Ashland School District’s request for a HS volleyball Coop, Dan Harris seconded.  Motion carried 7-0.

Forensics Substitute as Speech Credit

Item was tabled until the January meeting.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Grant Award ($1000)

Tim Milford moved to approve the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Grant Award for $1000, Steve Lundeen seconded.  Motion carried 7-0.

Internet Connectivity Bid from United Wireless

Tim Milford moved to approve the internet connectivity bid from United Wireless, Dan Harris seconded.  Motion carried 7-0.

Ratify addendum to 2012-13 Negotiated Agreement

Marjean Strong moved to ratify addendum to 2012-13 negotiated agreement to rename and increase stipend for Fall and Spring Drama Productions to 5.5%, Jan Granados seconded.  Motion carried 7-0.


Executive Session:  Motion by Marjean Strong, seconded Duke Marrs to enter into executive session to discuss personnel in order to protect the public interest and that the board returns to open session in the board room at 9:14 p.m.  Motion carried 7-0.  Board members, Dr. Williams and Mrs. Leiker were present.  Time:  8:44

Steve Lundeen moved for an extension of executive session to 9:34, Tim Milford seconded.  Motion carried 7-0. Dr. Williams and Mrs. Leiker were present.  Dr. Williams and Mrs. Leiker left at 9:28) Time: 9:14.

Dan Harris moved for an extension of executive session to 9:49, Duke Marrs seconded.  Motion carried 7-0. Time: 9:34

Discussion on Busses

The board discussed the practice of letting the transportation director take the bus home since his home is on the route.  The board reached a consensus that he is allowed to take the bus home.

Separations/New Hires/Substitutes

Marjean Strong moved to hire Vanessa Goucher as part-time dishwasher, Dan Harris seconded.  Motion carried 7-0.

Tim Milford moved to accept the substitute lists for teachers, cooks, and custodians as presented, Marjean Strong seconded.  Motion carried 7-0.


Steve Lundeen moved to adjourn the meeting, Tim Milford seconded.  Motion carried 7-0.  Time: 10:17 p.m.

For The Board of Education



Board Clerk