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Fowler Schools USD 225



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November 12, 2018, Board of Education meeting minutes

USD #225 Board of Education Meeting

November 12th, 2018, 7 p.m.



Call to order:  Barb Whitney, President, called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Whitney led in prayer.

Members present:  Barb Whitney, Dave Snook, Fred Boyd, Richie Dewell, and Tom Huelskamp were present. Others present were Jeff Bollinger, Superintendent, Corri McDowell, Principal and Erica Rarden, Board Clerk.

Jamie Boese joined the meeting at 7:06 p.m.

Recognition of Visitors/Communication: Kim McLachlan, Emily Dizmang, Dana Strong, and Debbie Wise.

Approve Consent Agenda: Snook moved, seconded by Boyd to approve the Consent Agenda; approval of the October Minutes delayed until the December meeting.  Motion carried 6-0.

REPORTS        Principal:  Mrs. McDowell gave her report.

                        Economic Development, Jamie Boese, representative, nothing to report

                        Special Education, Jamie Boese, representative, nothing to report

                        Superintendent, Mr. Bollinger gave his report.

BOE Meeting Date Change: The date of the December board meeting will be changed from December 10th to December 3rd, 2018.

SPIAA League: Snook moved, seconded by Boese to give Mr. Bollinger the authority to exit the SPIAA League at the league meeting held on November 14, 2018. First vote: 3-3. After continued discussion, 2nd vote: motion carried 6-0.

Break: 8:30 p.m., meeting resumed at 8:36 p.m.

Housing Discussion: Discussion held regarding potential teacher stipends.

State Board Presentation: A discussion was held regarding the district presenting to the Kansas State Board of Education on December 11, 2018.

Softball/Baseball Coop: A discussion was held regarding the possible coop with Ashland High School for softball and baseball this school year.

Adjournment:  A motion was made by Snook, seconded by Huelskamp to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried 6-0.  Time: 9:08 p.m.


For The Board of Education


_____________________________________, Board Clerk


_____________________________________, Board President


