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Fowler Schools USD 225



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March 6, 2017 Board of Education meeting minutes

Unified School District #225

Regular Board Of Education Meeting

High School Library, Monday, March 6, 2017 7 p.m.



Call to order:  Tim Milford, President, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Milford led in prayer.


Members present:  Tim Milford, Jamie Boese and Barb Whitney, Dave Snook and Richie Dewell were present.  Mark Bergkamp was absent. Others present were Corrie McDowell, Principal, Jeff Bollinger, Superintendent, Paula Kay Watson, Board Clerk.


Recognition of Visitors/Communication: Debbie Wise


Approve Consent Agenda: Snook moved, seconded by Lundeen to approve the minutes and as presented. Discussion was held on the payables. Whitney moved and Boese seconded to approve the bills as presented.  Motion carried 6-0.



            Principal:  Mrs. McDowell gave her report

            Economic Development, Jamie Boese, representative, said meeting will not be held until next week.

            Special Education, Tim Milford, representative, gave his report

            A+ Network, Steve Lundeen, representative, was unable to attend the meeting

            Superintendent: Mr. Bollinger gave his report




Position Postings:  Lots of discussion was held and it was the consensus of the board not to post any job openings.


Language program:  Duolingo not a program for elementary students. Suggested to go with Rosetta Stone




Approve Contracts as Presented:  Lundeen moved and Boese seconded to go into executive session for 15 minutes. Motion carried 6-0. 9:20 p.m.

Boese moved, Whitney seconded to approve the Contracts as presented to the board. Motion carried 6-0.


Approve Purchase of Rosetta Stone 1 or 3 years:  Lundeen moved and Dewell seconded to purchase Rosetta Stone for 1 year. Motion carried 6-0.


Approve VOIP System for Summer Installation:  Tabled until the next Board meeting, but get the bid ready for approval.


Approve 2017-2017 Calendar:  Snook moved and Whitney seconded to approve the 2017-2018 Calendar. Motion carried 6-0.

Approve Moving $5977.25 for Contingency Reserve to clear out KRR:  Dewell moved and Snook seconded to move the necessary money form Contingency Reserve to clear out Kansas Reading Roadmaps account. Motion carried 6-0.



Adjournment:  A motion was made by Lundeen, seconded by Dewell to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried 6-0.  Time:  10:03 p.m.


For The Board of Education


_____________________________________, Board Clerk


_____________________________________, Board President