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Fowler Schools USD 225



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Non-Academic Tests and Surveys Notification

mySAEBERS Social-Emotional Student Survey

Schools are required to inform parents/guardians of student surveys that will be administered at school and obtain consent within a period of 4 months before having students participate. Parents/guardians have the right to opt out of student surveys.

Fowler Grade School asks students in grades 2-6 to complete the mySAEBERS social, academic, and emotional behavior risk screener. This is given 3 times per year, in August, December, and April. It usually takes students 5 minutes or less to complete. An overview of the types of questions that students are asked is attached.

This screener helps teachers know how students are feeling about school. FGS uses the information to identify students who would benefit from additional support in the areas of social and emotional behavior and academics.

mySAEBERS Overview