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Fowler Schools USD 225



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Summit Back to School Night

Summit Learning Reference Sheet




All students will have a teacher mentor that will help them set goals for their education in a weekly, one-on-one meeting. In this meeting students will reflect on academic progress and set goals for success for the upcoming weeks. Each student’s mentor also serves as their seminar teacher for 25 minutes each day. They are also responsible for the student’s Individual Plan of Study. This consistent relationship allows our teachers to truly know our students and their goals for the future.


Self-Directed Learning (SDL):

During the SDL period, students will master subject matter material at their own pace with an emphasis on developing the Habits of Success and multiple learning strategies. The teacher guides students through a cycle of reflection, goal setting, planning, learning, and showing. Teachers also provide direct support to help students discover their learning style, which strategies work best for them to acquire the content knowledge, and habits such as time management and self-regulation. Students demonstrate content knowledge by passing a content assessment that allows them to move on to the next focus area to advance through the course.


Project Time:

Core subjects, including English, Science, Social Studies and Math, are set up in a project format. Teachers lead the class through a series of lessons and checkpoints which apply or build on the information they study during SDL, resulting in a final product that relates to the real world. Teachers provide feedback on each checkpoint based on a scoring rubric that allows students to know specifically what they need to do to complete and improve each step of the project before final submission.


Parental Involvement:

A parent can be involved in viewing the progress of their student through the Summit Learning Platform. This year we are also activating Student Snapshot messages. These will come as text messages with an update of your child’s progress.


We encourage each parent to check progress and teacher notes to keep up with their student’s education. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please contact their mentor.


To log into the Summit Learning Platform as a parent/guardian:

  1. Go to https://www.summitlearning.org

  2. Click Parents Login in the upper right corner

  3. Sign in with your username or email address, as well as your password

If you’ve forgotten your password, click Forgot Password?

  1. On the login screen, under Password.

  2. Enter your username or email address, then click Reset Password. You’ll receive an email with further instructions to reset your password.